Lokss is an intuitive, creative barber+hairstylist which keeps rising the standards of excellence of his craft being a cut above the competition. He personifies fineness impressing his clientele with such a captivating skillset and presence on his own stage.
Hugo is continuously exploring new avenues to improve his A-game into all-star benchmarks shifting levels of difficult, health and safety guarantees, extensive portfolio of applied techniques and ultimately the overall look satisfying altogether his clients.
From the classic to the most contemporary and from the basics to the sophistication, he redefines interpretation assimilating the client’s desire alongside with his vision of the most ambitious outcome to generate wow effect as a final result. He expresses his creativity by redefining shapes that benefit the client as a whole enduringly up until the moment they crave for a change. Change is something that Hugo welcomes, and at the end of the day, clients have the final word. Final words that often come in the shape and form of gratitude.
Different expectations, different hairstyles, different beards, different looks are a continuous day-by-day task that strengthens’ the ability of Lokss with a strong fashion-conscious elite of clients which are impacted confidently by the faith them place on his performance.
Smooth on top, textured, trimmed at the sides and back, groomed on top, radical, shaved sides, long on top, different times, different trends, different equipment, are concepts that are embraced by this skillful individual that influences the male grooming industry.
While competition is always welcome, facts are, for the record that a happy costumer, is a returning costumer, in the utmost professionalism, great atmosphere and eloquent conversation that sees time elapsing with great comfort and greater satisfaction with the end results.
Hugo caters his clientele with quality over quantity, valuing creativity, tradition with expertise and craftsmanship. Aligned with timeless appeal, precision and attention to detail are reminiscent of the times we live in and where the finest value is handcrafted with prodigious workmanship.
Prestige never gets old and fresh refinement is what keeps Lokss on top of the game, under his own initiative with MVP’s barbering + hairstyling performances, inspiring and turning the expectations of today into the looks of tomorrow.